You’ve diligently built up your credit score over many years of solid effort. You made sure every credit card and utility bill was paid early, and you always stayed on top of your student loan payments. Plus you saved up for a solid down payment – socking away those pennies and automatically transferring a couple hundred dollars into your savings account every month.
Congratulations – you’re ready to purchase your first house! You’ve got a good job, plenty of savings, and you’re all set up for success.
So you contacted…
Are you considering the purchase of a commercial property? There are so many factors that you need to be aware of, but one of the most important – though frequently overlooked – is its environmental soundness.
Worse-case scenarios
Imagine if you were to purchase a commercial property and then find out that the water is contaminated with dangerous materials. Or perhaps started renovations and were shocked to discover that asbestos lurks in every hidden corner. Maybe you planned to turn the building into a daycare, but then…
Most people know about the dangers asbestos and mold pose to health, but how about that underground storage tank? Many homes and businesses have underground storage tanks and if they’re not properly maintained and controlled, they can leak dangerous contaminants into the soil, water, and building. This blog article is part of our Contamination Concerns series, and today, of course, we’re honing in one a lesser-known potential source of serious environmental trouble – underground storage tanks.
Previous articles in this series are listed below. Click on each subject to access the full blog articles:
Underground storage…