
Is there lead in your water?

Is there lead in your water?

When you fill up a glass of water at your sink, do you ever hesitate before taking a nice, refreshing gulp? If your home was built before the 1980s, it’s possible that your pipes contain lead. That’s a concern because lead has been found to cause detrimental effects even in small amounts.

Lead poisoning is preventable

Did you know that lead poisoning is the most preventable widespread disease in the US? Nearly one million children aged one to five in the US have dangerous lead levels in their blood. Residential and commercial buildings throughout the US contain lead in paint, furniture, gasoline,…

Is Mold in the Home a Big Deal?

Is Mold in the Home a Big Deal?Do you sometimes wonder whether people are just paranoid when thinking about mold? Maybe you think people have too much time on their hands, and that mold in the home isn’t actually a big deal. After all, isn’t cheese made from mold? If so, it can’t be that big of a deal, right?

To a certain extent, yes, your line of reasoning is correct. Mold has been in the air since the beginning of the human race (and most likely, before that, too). We breathe mold every day of our lives. However, many modern homes aren’t as…

Our Top Priority is Your Health and Safety

Our Top Priority is Your Health and SafetyWhat are your top priorities? Many people are reflecting on their priorities right now as 2017 draws to a close. For many of us, our top priority is our family’s health and safety. At , that’s actually our top priority, too. We are committed to making Southern California a happier, healthier, and safer place to live and work, one building at a time.

How do we work towards accomplish this goal? We’re so glad you asked!

We are passionate about making Southern California healthier and safer. One way we accomplish this is by providing complete environmental evaluations of…